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China’s economic growth in the last 40 years is one of the most amazing events in world economic history. Economists and historians will still betalking and writing about it in 50 years, and in 100 years. China will certainly become the largest economy in the world very soon—by some measures,it already is. But the most powerful country is a different question from the biggest economy. On a per person basis, per capita GDP is going to be muchlower in China than in high-income countries like the US and western Europe fordecades to come. Power doesn’t have a simple formula. It involves diplomacy,technology, and even the extent to which a country is trusted or admired byothers.


China might want to look at some US institutions and industries that have been fairly successful over time and see if there are lessons to be learned. For example, many of the world’s top colleges and universities are inthe US. The US has some of the world’s largest financial markets, used bypeople all over the world. The US has a number of the world’s leading companiesin logistics, the business of delivering goods and services. The US economy hasa long tradition that many small companies get started, and a few grow intonational and even global giants.



